Company Updates

    Update on Current Proceedings  

Cameroon delayed in producing scheduled submissions

    Congo Government Joint Announcement  
    Update on Cameroon Proceedings  

Hearing date now set

    Update on Congo Proceedings  

Conditional settlement agreed with Congo

    31 December 2023 Half Yearly Report  
    Update on Current Proceedings  
    Update on Ownership Change to Hanlong Resources Shareholding  
    Results of 2023 AGM  
    Chairman's Address - 2023 AGM  
    Notice of Meeting  
    2023 Annual Report  
    31 December 2022 Half Yearly Report  

31 December 2022 Half-Yearly Report

    Update on Legal Proceedings against Congo, Cameroon and AustSino  



    Results of 2022 AGM  

Results of the resolution contained in the Notice of AGM held on 16 December 2022 were passed on poll.

    Chairman's Address - 2022 AGM  

2022 Annual General Meeting

Chairman's Address

    Notice of Meeting for 2022 AGM  

2022 Notice of Meeting for AGM

    2022 Annual Report  

Annual Report - 30 June 2022


Sundance advises that the Company has issued a Notice of Expropriation Dispute to the Republic of Cameroon.

    Cameroon Issues Mbalam Mining Permit to Third Party in Breach of ICC Injunction  
    Update on Legal Proceedings against Congo, Cameroon and AustSino  

Memorial of Claim has been filed at the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”) in respect to the proceeding against the Republic of Congo.

The Republic of Cameroon has failed in its appeal against the interim order by the Emergency Arbitrator at the ICC. The interim order, which restrains the Republic of Cameroon from granting exploitation rights over the Mbalam iron ore deposit to any party except Sundance's subsidiary, Cam Iron, remains in force.

AustSino has withdrawn its appeal against the orders issued by the Supreme Court of Western Australia that grant pre-action discovery against AustSino and its Executive Chairman, Mr Chun Ming Ding.

    Positive Progress in Legal Proceedings Against Cameroon and AustSino  

An Emergency Arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce has issued an interim order restraining the Republic of Cameroon from granting exploitation rights over the Mbalam iron ore deposit to any party except Sundance's subsidiary, Cam Iron.

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has granted Sundance's application for pre-action discovery against AustSino and its Executive Chairman, Mr Chun Ming Ding.

    Results of 2021 AGM  

Results of 2021 AGM held on 28 February 2022

    Chairman's Address - 2021 AGM  

2021 Annual General Meeting

Chairman’s Address

    Notice of AGM (28 February 2022)  

Notice of Meeting for the AGM to be held 28 February 2022

    Annual Report 30 June 2021  

Annual Report 30 June 2021

    Company Update on Proceedings  

This announcement is to update shareholders and other stakeholders on the status of legal proceedings.

    Commencement of Pre-Discovery Action Against AustSino & Mr Ding  

Sundance has applied for Pre-Action Discovery against AustSino and Mr Ding in the Supreme Court of Western Australia.

    Half Yearly Report  

31 December 2020 Half Yearly Financial Report

    Restructure of Arrangements with Noteholders  

Sundance is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with the Noteholders to restructure the Company's existing debt and security arrangements.

    Leadership Change  

Sundance wishes to announce that its Board has completed a review of its leadership and management structure following the events of the past six months.

    Company Update - Developments in Cameroon  

Sundance notes media reports that the Government of Cameroon signed a memorandum of understanding on 25 June 2021 in Yaoundé with AustSino Resources Group Ltd and Bestway Finance Ltd for the construction of the 510km railway connecting the Mbalam-Nabeba Iron Ore Project to the deep-water port of Kribi.

    Commencement of International Arbitration Against Cameroon  

Sundance has referred its dispute with the Republic of Cameroon to arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris.

    Litigation Funding Secured  

Sundance is pleased to announce it has signed a binding Capital Provision Agreement with Burford Asia Investments, an affiliate of Burford Capital Limited, the world's leading global finance and asset management business focused on law.  

    Company Update - 12 April 2021  

The Company wishes to provide an update to shareholders on Litigation Funding and Short-term Funding.

See attached Company Update for information.

    Commencement of International Arbitration Against Congo  

Sundance wishes to announce today that, through its subsidiary Congo Iron SA, it has referred its dispute with the Republic of Congo to arbitration in London under the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce.  

The dispute arises out of Congo Government's unlawful expropriation of Congo Iron's mining permit in the Sangha region of Congo and related rights and interests.

    Company Update Regarding Media Reports  
    Company Update Regarding Congo  

Sundance wishes to advise that following recent correspondence received from The Government of Congo Sundance has decided to delay arbitration against Congo for a further 30 days to allow discussions to progress between Sundance and representatives of Congo.

    Company Update on Action Against Cameroon and Congo  
    Market Update to Shareholders  
    Market Update on Congo Dispute  
    Removal from Official List  
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